Beautiful community,
As we enter into a new astrological cycle with Aries season, I bring you the third edition of the micro-interview series What Lies At the Center? With the aim of bringing a breath of fresh air and space at these moments of the month- I invite a guest to the space of Heart Marrow, conducting a micro-interview with a spirit who has brought me personal awareness and connection. I hope these interviews bring you a morsel of reflection, engagement, and centering during these transformative and unsettling times.
Within this edition, I am honored to connect you with a person who has been a longtime friend, collaborator, mentor, and bodyworker- the incomparable Gina James. Gina has an incredible depth of empathy, and an ability to hold perspective within the community from many viewpoints. Gina is a very special person to me, and to many others. Her work spans many mediums, and she defines community care. I feel so truly honored to know Gina, to continue my relationship with her over the years (decades!), and especially right now, to celebrate her with you.
You can learn more about Gina and her offerings HERE.
Scroll down to receive her artwork and written contribution. Please share this love letter with those who you feel might benefit- using the email or social media button at the bottom of the letter, or simply by forwarding it to them, or reading it aloud.
Gina Crystal James is a queer, liberal, fat, feminist body diviner. Through her deep love and study of the multidimensional body, astrological language and spiritual mysticism over the last 25 years, she meets you where you are and co-creates a space for exploring, healing and attending to the cycles of change and stability.
Gina James: What lies at the center for you?
When I first learned about a critical stage in our early embryonic development through experiential anatomy studies, in which the midline of our being creates an opening where cells come into form in a space of infinite possibility, I felt a resonance deep inside of me. This concept reflects a cycle early in our becoming that makes room for a multitude of potentiality to take place. It is a space where our uniqueness finds form during a process that we all go through in our development. It lives within each of us. And for me, tapping into the essence of that body memory creates a sense of deep freedom through the ability to both find form and to transform; to change and to be changed.
During these times, when there has been so much external change instigating many essential internal transformations, I find comfort in this space. I find an impetus to listen deeply from this space and reflect on the larger ever-evolving cosmos(es). I continue to be grateful to engage in work that allows and encourages both tapping into the innate stability of our forms, as well as our natural ability to make changes in/through/to our multilayered beings. This process is dynamic, and our direct link to experiencing a wider spectrum of what it is to be alive, through continuous cycles. It honors the tension of commonality and interconnectedness of experience; as well as acknowledging, and dare I say celebrating, our inalienable uniqueness.
What lies at the center for me is infinite possibility.